Read rokka no yuusha light novel online volume 5
Read rokka no yuusha light novel online volume 5

read rokka no yuusha light novel online volume 5

Even her great power as the Saint of Mountains was something she could easily cast aside once there was no longer a need for it. As for wealth, getting by without struggling was enough for her. Her popularity and reputation were unimportant. She had accepted her position as the Elder of the All Heavens Temple simply by virtue of the fact that no one else had been suitably qualified. Mora had just about everything a person could want: favor, renown, status, power, wealth, and the talent to wield all of those resources appropriately. When she accepted the designation from the previous Elder, Leura, three-quarters of the eighty Saints endorsed her. At the age of twenty-six, she assumed the office of the Elder of the All Heavens Temple.

read rokka no yuusha light novel online volume 5

She also proved herself highly capable when it came to managing the temple’s territory and other tasks. In just three years, she became one of the most powerful fighters among the Saints. Following her selection, Mora’s uncommon aptitude blossomed. As she was the most exceptional of their number, all agreed that she was the correct choice. When she was nineteen, the previous Saint of Mountains retired, and Mora was chosen from among the acolytes to be the next Saint. She had a serious personality, excelled at her studies, and possessed superior self-discipline compared to other girls her age. Life at the temple had been busy and strict, but this did not trouble Mora. Mora’s father had deep connections with the Temple of Mountains, since the Spirit of Mountains was the protector of their family’s industry, and it was through those connections that Mora had been initiated into that temple as an acolyte at thirteen.

read rokka no yuusha light novel online volume 5

Born in the Land of Silver Peaks, the youngest daughter of a wealthy lumber merchant, she had grown up beloved by her parents, her older brother, and their employees. So why did Mora kill Hans Humpty? Part of the answer lay in the life she’d led. People said that, at this time-the eve of the revival of the Evil God, it was amazingly fortunate for humanity to have a Temple Elder such as her. She had a reputation for being both impartial and strict in her governance, with a serious talent for educating the younger Saints. Mora Chester was the Saint of Mountains and the current Elder of the venerable All Heavens Temple, impeccably skilled and well regarded by the Saints. Confused by the impossible situation, suspicion and paranoia spread among the chosen.Your browser does not support JavaScript!Ĭhapter 1 Advance into the Howling Vilelands Which meant that one of them was an imposter and an enemy. But when the heroes arrived at their designated location, they found that there were seven heroes present. As the day of The Majin’s revival nears, Adlet, a boy who calls himself the strongest man in the world, is chosen as one of the “Six Flowers”. Somewhere on their bodies a crest in the shape of a flower will appear and as a result the warriors are called “The Heroes of the Six Flowers”. When “The Majin” awakes the goddess of fate will choose six warriors and bestow them with the power to save the world. And then, the one whom that suspicion is most directed at is Adlet. They fall to the suspicion that one of them is an enemy. However, at the appointed gathering place, why are there seven people? Right after, the Illusion Fog barrier is activated, shutting the seven right in the forest. The young man who calls himself "world's strongest person," Adlet, is selected into this group of six, the Six Flower Heroes, and ventures forth to battle to stop the Majin's resurrection. When the Majin awakes from the depths of darkness, the Gods of Destiny choose 6 heroes, granting them power to save the world.

#Read rokka no yuusha light novel online volume 5 series

  • 3 The Rokka no Yuusha series by Ishio Yamagata.

  • Read rokka no yuusha light novel online volume 5